2045 entries found.

University of California, Irvine

United States

Electrophysiology (EEG, MEG, ECoG), Other electrophysiology, MRI, Behavioural, Brain Stimulation, fNIRS, Cognition (general), Memory, Sensory systems, Motor Systems, Language, Emotion, Learning, Decision Making, Developmental, Sleep, Consciousness, Dementia, Parkinson,

PhD student

Stanford University

United States

MRI, Behavioural, Eye Tracking, Cognition (general), Sensory systems, Motor Systems, Developmental,

Post-doctoral researcher

Thomas Jefferson University

United States

Behavioural, Genetics, Cognition (general), Memory, Emotion, Developmental, Dementia, Parkinson,

Post-doctoral researcher



Electrophysiology (EEG, MEG, ECoG), MRI, PET, Behavioural, Cognition (general), Memory, Sleep, Clinical (general), Dementia, sleep, obstructive sleep apnea, REM sleep, aging, Alzheimer's, neurodegeneration, multimodal neuroimaging, cholinergic system


University of Birmingham

United Kingdom

Behavioural, Brain Stimulation, Genetics, Lesions and Inactivations, Developmental, Sleep, Evolutionary, Cellular and Molecular, Glia, injuruy, regeneration, structural plasticity, degeneration, Drosophila

Group leader/ Director/ Head of Department

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology


Behavioural, Genetics, Memory, Sensory systems, Learning, Decision Making, Evolutionary, Drosophila, sensory processing, olfaction, neural circuits

Post-doctoral researcher

Stanford University

United States

Other electrophysiology, Behavioural, Emotion, Pain, Psychiatry, Addiction, Neuropharmacology, Psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, synaptic plasticity, biomarkers

PhD student

Champalimaud Foundation


MRI, Brain Stimulation, Genetics, Lesions and Inactivations, Sensory systems, Motor Systems, Parkinson, Cellular and Molecular, Bioinformatics, optogenetics; fMRI; ASL; sensory pathways; Parkinson's Disease

PhD student

Scuola Normale Superiore


Lesions and Inactivations, Dementia, Cellular and Molecular, Neuropharmacology, microglia, NGF, Alzheimer's

Group leader/ Director/ Head of Department



DTI, Cognition (general), Sensory systems, Parkinson, Ethics,

Assistant Professor

Northwestern University

United States

MRI, Behavioural, Cognition (general), Memory, Learning, Decision Making, Developmental, adolescence; fMRI; learning; decision-making; cognitive control; motivation


University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State


MRI, Behavioural, Cognition (general), Emotion, Parkinson, Other degenerative diseases, Ethics, African Brain Data

PhD student

University of Pavia


MRI, Behavioural, Cognition (general), Sensory systems, Motor Systems, Learning, Attention, Decision Making, Developmental, Clinical (general), Parkinson, Other degenerative diseases, Psychiatry, Cellular and Molecular, Bioinformatics, Neuropharmacology,

PhD student

University of Pavia


MRI, DTI, Other degenerative diseases, Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, QSM, Diffusion, NODDI, COVID-19, long COVID

Donders Institute


Electrophysiology (EEG, MEG, ECoG), Behavioural, Eye Tracking, Brain Stimulation, Lesions and Inactivations, Cognition (general), Sensory systems, Attention,

Senior researcher/ scientist

woxsen University


Electrophysiology (EEG, MEG, ECoG), Other electrophysiology, Behavioural, Eye Tracking, Brain Stimulation, Genetics, fNIRS, Cognition (general), Memory, Sensory systems, Motor Systems, Language, Emotion, Pain, Learning, Attention, Decision Making, Developmental, Sleep, Consciousness, Clinical (general), Dementia, Parkinson, Other degenerative diseases, EEG, BCI, Biomedical signal processing, HMI, AI in healthcare

PhD student

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham


MRI, Language, Clinical (general), Parkinson,

Post-doctoral researcher

Allen Institute and University of Washington

United States

Dementia, Cellular and Molecular, Bioinformatics,

Senior researcher/ scientist

Stanford University

United States

Genetics, Psychiatry, Brain Organoid; Gene therapy; Stem Cell

Assistant Professor

Taif University

Saudi Arabia

Behavioural, Brain Stimulation, Lesions and Inactivations, Cognition (general), Memory, Motor Systems, Pain, Clinical (general), Addiction, Cellular and Molecular, Neuropharmacology,